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Top 10 Jobs & Careers That Technology Can’t Kill


There are numerous reports that robots are likely to take over the job markets in the future, while automation and artificial intelligence continue to grow in leaps and bounds, However, there are some professions that are very unlikely to be replaced by robots anytime soon.

For anyone worried about losing their job to automation, these are the top ten careers that technology can’t kill.

1. Lawyers

Lawyers are not going to be replaced by technology. Legal proceedings are far too nuanced to be done by a software program. While this profession is expected to see an average growth rate over the next several years, attorneys have been around for centuries and will continue to remain an important part of our society.

2. CEO


Even the best tech cannot replace good leaders. CEOs must be able to connect with people, something artificial intelligence have not yet learned how to do. Even when they do, they are not likely ever to replace the intuition, creativity and leadership qualities that the leader of a successful company must have.

3. Human Resources

HR professionals, like many other professions on this list, are unlikely to be replaced by robots soon because human interaction is at the core of their role. They need to be able to react to changing workplace situations and resolve complex interpersonal conflicts between employees. They also are needed to manage employee benefits and the recruitment process. This career is expected to see average growth in the foreseeable future

4. Writers

Writing, especially fiction, requires both emotion and creativity, things robots are not able to replicate. While the writing field is competitive, it continues to be in demand, whether for advertising copy, novels, non-fiction books and screenplays, among other written works.


5. Marketing Professionals

Machines cannot think critically, or come up with creative solutions or complex and multi-faceted marketing strategies. Marketing plans must be created for each business’s exact situation, and whether a plan will work is not an exact science. This is why the careers of marketing professionals are safe for the time being.

6. Teachers

While digital learning platforms are gaining in use and importance, the complex interpersonal interactions that go into teaching students cannot be replaced or replicated by machines. Teachers are currently in demand and by all estimates will continue to be so going into the future.

7. Graphic Designers

Computers cannot recreate the creativity and imagination used to create engaging and aesthetically pleasing graphic design work. They cannot design logos or advertising displays that will catch a customer’s eye. While the graphic design field experiences strong competition, graphic designers are expected to be needed by most organizations going into the future.

8. Healthcare Providers

Technology and artificial intelligence are unlikely to kill many jobs in the medical profession. These roles require sufficient human-to-human interaction and will not be taken over by machines in the foreseeable future – if ever. Dental hygienists, doctors and registered nurses have very little to fear from job automation as the medical field continues to experience rapid growth.

9. IT Managers and System Administrators

While technology will continue to become more automated and easy to use, it will always need “translators” – humans who can act as a liaison between a business’s tech and its human employees. People working in IT have a bright future ahead, as businesses continue to weave more and more tech into their everyday operations.

10. Production Managers

Even in the manufacturing industry, where many jobs have infamously been lost to automation, managers and supervisors are still needed to watch over those machines and keep production running smoothly. As long as humanity continues to need physical products, someone must be around to supervise the process of making them

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