Telegram CEO Pavel Durov recently announced on his personal channel that Telegram has become the most downloaded mobile application for Android in China. Durov highlighted the differences in policies between Android and Apple, pointing out that Apple’s restrictive measures, such as not allowing app sideloading and removing apps from the China App Store, are contributing to a declining market share for Apple in mainland China.
Durov emphasized that prioritizing profits over user freedom is not a sustainable long-term strategy for Apple. He urged the tech giant to prioritize user freedom to maintain its market position. His post has sparked discussions about Apple’s policies and Telegram's growing popularity among Chinese Android users.
Telegram, headquartered in Dubai, was founded by Russian-born Durov, who left Russia in 2014 after refusing demands to shut down opposition communities on his VK social media platform, which he subsequently sold. In a recent video interview with U.S. journalist Tucker Carlson, Durov mentioned, "We’ll probably cross one billion monthly active users within a year now." He added that Telegram is "spreading like forest fire."
Durov, who owns Telegram entirely and has an estimated fortune of $15.5 billion according to Forbes, stated that some governments have tried to pressure him. However, he affirmed that the app, which now boasts 900 million active users, will remain a "neutral platform" and not a "player in geopolitics."
Telegram's main rival, WhatsApp, has over two billion monthly active users. The Financial Times reported that Telegram might aim for a U.S. listing once the company achieves profitability. Telegram is especially influential in the former Soviet Union republics and ranks among major social media platforms like Facebook, YouTube, WhatsApp, Instagram, TikTok, and WeChat.
Following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in 2022, Telegram has become a primary source of unfiltered—and sometimes graphic or misleading—content from both sides about the conflict and surrounding politics. Durov conceived the idea of an encrypted messaging app as a way to communicate while under pressure in Russia, with encryption designed by his younger brother, Nikolai.
Durov left Russia because he could not accept government orders and dismissed claims that Telegram was controlled by Russia as false rumors spread by competitors. "I would rather be free than take orders from anyone," Durov said, explaining his search for a home for Telegram, which included stints in Berlin, London, Singapore, and San Francisco. He chose the UAE as it is a "neutral country" wanting to be friends with everyone, making it the best place for a "neutral platform."
Durov criticized Apple and Google for potentially censoring content on their platforms. He noted that these companies had warned Telegram about non-compliance with their guidelines, threatening removal from their app stores. He concluded by asserting that Telegram is used by both opposition campaigners and governments but takes no sides, fostering a competition of ideas that can lead to progress.
Despite his success, Durov stated that, beyond money or Bitcoin, he owns no significant property such as real estate, jets, or yachts, as he values his freedom.